Tuesday, May 22, 2018

xlconfig.xml in OIM 11g

So, those who have worked with old version of OIM will wonder , where is xlconfig.xml.Below two are handy,

Option 1:

1) Using the Enterprise Manager: http://hostname:<WL_Admin_port>/em. Login using weblogic credentials.
2) Go to Identity And Access and right click on OIM server and select System Mbean Browser.
3) Once it loads, in the System Mbean Browser on the right pane, scroll to the "Application Defined MBeans" >oracle.iam-> oim_server1->application:oim->XML config->config. This holds the config properties in Mbeans.

Option 2:

1) Open the weblogic.properties file in OIM_ORACLE_HOME\server\bin and set the wls_servername, application_name and metadata_to_loc tovalues based your environment.
2) Set the metadata_files=/db/oim-config.xml
3) Then run the WeblogicExportMetaData.bat/sh to get the xlconfig in the location specified at metadata_to_loc.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Oracle Big data cloud

 I got a demo account finally setup, so explored few cloud services.The Oracle Big data cloud service makes setting up bigdata very simple.Below are few screenshots.

 Big Data Appliance, Oracle provides you not only the hardware, but the software for your Big Data needs.BDCS, you have that same capability that you have with your Big Data Appliance, but taking advantage of cloud services.

Big data appliance, on premise
BDCC - > Orcale Bigdata cloud at customer (Oracle will do it , but on premise)
BDCS - > Oracle Bigdata cloud service.

Here i am exploring BDCS. Software components of BDCS are,
Linux 8
Java 8
Cloudera enterprise datahub edition(5.x)
  - Cloudera distribution including Apache hadoop(CDH)
- Cloudera Impala
 - Hbase
 - Cloudera search
 - Apache spark
Oracle bigdata spacial and graph
Oracle R distribution

There are also connectors to integrate with relational database.Oracle Bigdata sql cloud service provides ability to write sql to connect to both Bigdata and relational database.It also has the ability of smart scan i.e data driven parallel processing.

Oracle OCIC and OCI

 I think everyone who worked on Oracle cloud was initially confused on what is OCI and OCIC. How is it different.


OCIC has 3 types:
Dedicated compute classic
Classic compute
Sparc compute

OCIC is based on Nimbula director (Hypervisor). OCIC is virtual machine only.


OCI has 2 Type:
Bare metal instances (Dedicated physical hosts with no hypervisor.Also, customer has complete control over resources)
Virtual machine

Basically , Oracle re-named bare metal cloud services as OCI.  

Monday, May 7, 2018

Undeploy composite when soa-infra down

cd /<middleware home>/oracle_common/common/bin
wls:/offline> connect()
Please enter your username :ohsadmin
Please enter your password :
Please enter your server URL [t3://localhost:7001] :t3://xyz.143.10.42:7001
Connecting to t3://xyz.143.10.42:7001 with userid weblogic ...

once done


this created /<DOMAIN_HOME>/deployed-composites directory

edited the deployed-composites.xml
removed the ElectronicInvoice  entries from the xml.

then executed


restarted soa_server