We were running t2p for a customer for migrating to OCI. Even when /tmp has space we were running into issues.
Command for T2P:
sh $MW_HOME/oracle_common/bin/copyBinary.sh \
-javaHome /oracle/fmw/jrockit-jdk1.6.0_211 \
-archiveLoc /oracle/ias/ocimig/my_copy.jar \
-sourceMWHomeLoc /oracle/fmw/product/111 \
-invPtrLoc /oracle/fmw/product/111/oracle_common/oraInst.loc
-logDirLoc /oracle/ias/tmp/logs \
-silent false \
-ignoreDiskWarning false
There was quite a bit of space in /tmp.
export T2P_JAVA_OPTIONS="-Djava.io.tmpdir=<dir>/tmp"
Then rerun the clone.If you inspect the <dir>/tmp directory while the script is running you'll see that a CLONINGCLIENT202653551162129417 file is created.
That file will be removed when the copyBinary.sh script has ended.
Now, the copyBinary.sh script should end without errors.
Command for T2P:
sh $MW_HOME/oracle_common/bin/copyBinary.sh \
-javaHome /oracle/fmw/jrockit-jdk1.6.0_211 \
-archiveLoc /oracle/ias/ocimig/my_copy.jar \
-sourceMWHomeLoc /oracle/fmw/product/111 \
-invPtrLoc /oracle/fmw/product/111/oracle_common/oraInst.loc
-logDirLoc /oracle/ias/tmp/logs \
-silent false \
-ignoreDiskWarning false
INFO : Dec 6, 2019 04:42:56 - CLONE-21166Addition of the Middleware Home /pbmboo/fmw/product/111 to the archive started ... SEVERE : Dec 6, 2019 04:43:11 - ERROR - CLONE-20275 Insufficient space to create /tmp/CLONINGCLIENT-8961367960413781108. SEVERE : Dec 6, 2019 04:43:11 - CAUSE - CLONE-20275 Minimum required space was at least "4,318" MB, but only "4,177" MB was available for use. SEVERE : Dec 6, 2019 04:43:11 - ACTION - CLONE-20275 Make sure that the minimum required space is available for use.
There was quite a bit of space in /tmp.
export T2P_JAVA_OPTIONS="-Djava.io.tmpdir=<dir>/tmp"
Then rerun the clone.If you inspect the <dir>/tmp directory while the script is running you'll see that a CLONINGCLIENT202653551162129417 file is created.
That file will be removed when the copyBinary.sh script has ended.
Now, the copyBinary.sh script should end without errors.